The Third C stands for clarity.
Lab created synthetic diamonds as well as natural stones may have blemishes and inclusions. Blemishes refer to marks on the exterior of the stone. And inclusions refer to marks within the stone.
artificial diamond graders must assess these inclusions and blemishes to rate the clarity of the gem. Assessing these factors depend on the quantity, size, and position of the variables mentioned. The graders use a 10x magnifying glass to assess and rate the clarity of the gem.
The diamond clarity scale is further divided into six parts.
a) Flawless (FL)
FL manufactured diamonds are gemstones that don’t have inclusions or blemishes. These diamonds are of the rarest kind and are considered a clarity grade of the highest quality.
b) Internally Flawless (IF)
IF stones do not have visible inclusions. With Flawless diamonds at the top of the diamond clarity grade, IF stones come in second after FL stones.
c) Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2)
VVS1 and VVS2 synthetic diamonds have hard-to-see slight inclusions. Considered diamonds of superb quality, the minute inclusions are so tiny that it’s tough to find them even under the 10x magnifying glass.
d) Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2)
VS1 and VS2 have minor inclusions visible only with an added effort from the grader. They are considered stones of fine quality even though they aren’t flawless.
e) Slightly Included (SL1 and SL2)
SL1 and SL2 diamonds have minor visible inclusions. The inclusions are visible only with the magnifying lens and may or may not be seen with the naked eye.
f) Included (I1,I2 & I3)
I1, I2 & I3 have inclusions that are visible to the naked eye and can affect a diamond’s transparency and brilliance.