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rough lab grown diamonds

rough lab grown diamonds

  • 1 carat 2 carat 3 carat 4 carat uncut raw CVD rough diamond manufacturers

    1 carat 2 carat 3 carat 4 carat uncut raw CVD rough diamond manufacturers

    lab diamond (also known as cultured diamond , cultivated diamond, laboratory-grown diamond, laboratory-created diamond ) is diamond produced in an artificial process, as opposed to natural diamonds, which are created by geological processes.

    lab diamond is also widely known as HPHT diamond or CVD diamond after the two common production methods (referring to the high-pressure high-temperature and chemical vapor deposition crystal formation methods, respectively).

  • Uncut F G H VS VVS1 hpht rough diamond manufacturer

    Uncut F G H VS VVS1 hpht rough diamond manufacturer

    HPHT lab grown diamonds are cultivated through high-temperature and high-pressure technology that completely simulates the growth environment and mechanism of natural diamonds. HPHT diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, and a more permanent and brilliant fire.The environmental impact of lab-grown diamonds is only 1/7th of that of mined natural diamonds, making it a perfect combination of technology and aesthetics for environmentalists and art lovers alike!